Sunday, December 29, 2013

Class and Resource Types

Type Hierarchy

In the previous post about the Puppet 3.5 experimental feature Puppet Types I covered the Variant and Data types along with the more special Type and Ruby types. Earlier posts in this series provide an introduction to the type system, an overview of the types, a description the general types Scalar, Collection, Array, Hash etc.

This time, I am going to talk about the types that describe things that end up in a Puppet catalog; Class and Resource, subtypes of Resource, and the common super type CatalogEntry.

Type Hierarchy

Here is a recap of the part of the type system being covered in this post.

   |- CatalogEntry
   |  |- Resource[resource_type_name, title]
   |  |   |- <resource_type_name>[title]
   |  |
   |  |- Class[class_name]
   |  |- Node[node_name]
   |  |- Stage[stage_name]

The Catalog Entry types in Puppet 3x

In Puppet 3x there is the notion of a reference to a class or resource type using an upper cased word, e.g. Class, File. In 3x it is also possible to refer to a specific instance of class or resource by using the [] operator and the title of the wanted instance.

So, in a way, Puppet 3x has a type system, just a very small one with a very limited set of operations available.

Backwards Compatibility

It was important that the new Type System was backwards compatible. All the existing puppet logic is frequently using "resource references" and references to type using upper cased words. It was very fortunate that it was possible to extended the "resource reference" syntax to that of parameterized types (as explained in this series of blog posts). Popular type names (like String, and Integer) did not collide with existing resource type names.

Hence, going forward, when there is an upper cased word (e.g. Class, File, Apache) you are looking at a type, and when it is followed by a [] operator, it is a parameterized type.

The catalog entry types are slightly more special than the general type as it is possible to create an array of types.

The Catalog Entry Type

The CatalogEntry type is simply the common type for Class and Resource. It is not parameterized.

The Class Type

The Class type represents Puppet (Host) Class. When not parameterized it matches all classes. When parameterized with the name of a class it matches that class. When parameterized with multiple class names the result is an array of Class type, each parameterized with a single class name.

class one { }
class two { }

Class[one] =~ Type[Class]      # true
Class[one] =~ Type[Class[one]] # true
Class[one] =~ Type[Class[two]] # false

Class[one, two] =~ Array[Type[Class]]        # true
Class[one, two] == [Class[one], Class[two]]  # true

The class name can be any string expression as long as the result is a valid class name.

The Resource Type

The Resource type is the base type for all resource types (as they exist in Puppet 3x). The Resource type is parameterized with a type name (e.g. 'File') when a reference to the resource type itself is wanted, and with a type name, and one or more titles to produce a reference to an instance (or array of instances) of the particular resource type. There is no distinction between a resource type defined in a ruby plugin, or a user defined resource type created with the define keyword in the Puppet Programming Language. The examples below use the well known File resource type, but it could just as well be MyModule::MyType.

file { '/tmp/a': }
file { '/tmp/b': }

Resource['File'] =~ Type[Resource['File']]  # true
Resource['file'] =~ Type[Resource['File']]  # true

Resource['file'] == File                    # true
Resource[File] == File                      # true
Resource[file] == File                      # true

Resource[file, '/tmp/a'] == File['/tmp/a']                    # true
Resource[file, '/tmp/a', '/tmp/b] == File['/tmp/a', '/tmp/b'] # true
File['/tmp/a', '/tmp/b'] == [File['/tmp/a'], File['/tmp/b']]  # true
File['/tmp/a', '/tmp/b'] =~ Array[Type[File]]                 # true
Resource[file]['/tmp/a'] == File['/tmp/a']                    # true

As you can see, the syntax is quite flexible as it allows both direct (e.g. File) reference to a type, and indirect (e.g. Resource[<type-name-expression>]). The type name is case insensitive.

The general rules in the type system are:

  • A bare word that is upper cased is a reference to a type (e.g. Integer, Graviton)
  • If the type is not one of the types known to the type system (e.g. Integer, String) then it is a Resource type name (e.g. Graviton means Resource['graviton']).

Naming Advice

The set of known types in the type system may increase over time. If this happens they will most likely represent (be named after) some well known data structure (e.g. Set, Tree) or computer science term (e.g. Any, All, Kind, Super). It is therefore best to avoid such names when creating new resource types. Resource types typically represent something far more concrete, so this should not be a problem in practice. In the unlikely event there is a clash it is always possible to reference such resource types via the longer Resource[<type-name>] syntax.

This problem may also be remedied by the introduction of placing resource types inside a module namespace. The type system is capable of handling this already, but the rest of the runtime does not yet support this. (E.g. if you insist on having a resource type called 'String', you could refer to it as MyModule::String.

Just to be complete; fully qualified resource type names works for user defined resource types (i.e. when using the define keyword in the Puppet Programming Language).

Node and Stage

And finally, I have reached the frontier of the development of the Type System. The Node and Stage types are actually not yet implemented. The things they are intended to represent do exist in the catalog, but it is a question about what they really are - just specializations of resource types or something different? This is something that will be sorted out in the weeks and months to come before Puppet 4.0 is released.

In the Next Post

So far, examples have only used a handful of expressions to operate on types - i.e. == =~ and [], and iteration. In the next post I will cover the additional operations that involve types in, comparisons with <, <=, >, >= and how types can be used in case expressions.


  1. Interesting and informative posts Henrik!

    But I'm wondering about two things. Isn't Schedule also a type represented in the catalog?
    And are there any plans for allowing type expressions directly in class and define parameter lists? Just taking any type as input and then validating each of them later on seems a bit tedious.

    1. I am unsure about the exact types in the catalog, and which ones need a representation as a Type. There is work remaining in this area. And yes, there are plans to add type declarations in define and class parameter lists to get automatic type checking. Not sure that will make it into the future parser for 3.5, but should for 3.6. I would also like to add type/parameter declaration and checking to custom functions, also no time to do this for 3.5.
